Camp Fitch YMCA

Polar Bear Plunge 2024

Camp Fitch Needs You, Polar Bear Plunge 2024.

Whether you plunge in the ocean, your local lake or pool, do the Ice Bucket Challenge, or plunge in Lake Erie at Camp Fitch on Saturday, March 9, you can truly Polar Bear Anywhere!

It is time to register for Polar Bear, as the polar bear committee is working hard to plan a safe and fun polar bear plunge this year with three “invigorating” options that will empower YOU to impact the life of a child, forever: 

  • In-Person Plunge: at Camp Fitch on Saturday, March 9th with 100+ other plungers who get cheered on by the much warmer crowd! 
  • Remote Plunge: A pool or ocean? A slip and slide? A bucket of ice? An Alaskan glacier? Water and Ice will suffice!
  • Fireside Fundraiser: Hate the cold and a land lover? No problem, register to raise money from the comforts of your cozy den.
Here’s where we need your help!

1. Register to be a Polar Bear Plunger or a Fireside Fundraiser REGISTER HERE
2. Invite your friends to join your team and start fundraising.

Kids need camp more than ever and because of YOU, 2023 made kids better, forever:

  • Over 10,000 children were impacted by Camp Fitch YMCA
  • Camp Fitch’s Mobile STEM Lab served over 2,000 kids without transportation
  • Over 15% of Outdoor Education students received financial aid to attend
  • Over $200,000 from last year’s plunge funded a record amount of summer camp scholarships
  • Fitch 4 All is a reality because people appreciate that Camp Fitch is the difference in the lives of so many kids, who need camp more than ever.

You can help us reach out GOALs for the 14th Annual Polar Bear to Make Kids Better, Forever:

  • Impact over 40,000 total kids with scholarships in our 14th year
  • Send 3,500 deserving kids and their families to Camp Fitch in 2024!
  • Help us fulfill our promise: Cost should not be the reason a child cannot attend Camp Fitch YMCA!

Register yourself and your team today and be the difference in a kid’s life, forever!
Camp Fitch Forever! 
The Polar Bear Committee